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Halpern, Diane F.: Benbow, Camilla P.: Geary, David C.: Gur, Ruben C.: Hyde, Janet Shibley: u.a.: The science of sex differences in science and mathematics. [2015]
Kaufman, James C. (Hrsg.): Sternberg, Robert J. (Hrsg.): The Cambridge handbook of creativity. [2010]
Frings, Lars: Mader, Irina: Huell, Michael: Watching TV news as a memory task - brain activation and age effects. [2010]
Mathiak, Klaus: Weber, Rene: Bilderwelten aus der Sicht der Hirnforschung. [2006]
Anderson, Daniel R.: Bryant, Jennings: Murray, John P.: Rich, Michael: Rivkin, Michael J.: Zillmann, Dolf: Brain imaging. An introduction to a new approach to studying media processes and effects. [2006]
Anderson, Daniel R.: Fite, Katherine V.: Petrovich, Nicole: Hirsch, Joy: Cortical activation while watching video montage: An fMRI study. [2006]
Murray, John P.: Liotti, Mario: Ingmundson, Paul T.: Mayberg, Helen S.: Pu, Yonglin: u.a.: Children's brain activations while viewing televised violence revealed by fMRI. [2006]
Theunert, Helga (Hrsg.): Bilderwelten im Kopf. Interdisziplinaere Zugaenge. [2006]
Kronenberger, William G.: Mathews, Vincent P.: Dunn, David W.: Wang, Yang: Wood, Elisabeth A.: Media violence exposure and executive functioning in aggressive and control adolescents. [2005]
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